Results for 'I. Iu Qasim Amin'

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  1.  21
    Some Problems in the Logic of Motion.I. Iu Petrov - 1964 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 3 (2):35-42.
    Many methods are conceivable for resolution of the difficulties arising when motion is depicted in the logic of concepts. We shall set forth some of these methods, presenting them within the framework of the discussion in which V. I. Sviderskii, B. A. Dragun, and I. S. Narskii have already participated. In our opinion, attention must be directed primarily to the fact that in resolving the contradictions in the presentation of motion by means of ideal mathematical abstractions, it is impossible to (...)
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    Methodological Problems of Mathematical Modeling in Natural Science.I. A. Akchurin, M. F. Vedenov & Iu V. Sachkov - 1966 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 5 (2):23-34.
    The constantly accelerating progress of contemporary natural science is indissolubly associated with the development and use of mathematics and with the processes of mathematical modeling of the phenomena of nature. The essence of this diverse and highly fertile interaction of mathematics and natural science and the dialectics of this interaction can only be disclosed through analysis of the nature of theoretical notions in general. Today, above all in the ranks of materialistically minded researchers, it is generally accepted that theory possesses (...)
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    Frederick Engels and Contemporary Problems Concerning the History of Primitive Society.Iu V. Bromlei & A. I. Pershit - 1984 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 23 (3):17-49.
    A hundred years have passed since publication of the first edition of Engels's book The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, which Lenin regarded as "one of the basic works of modern socialism." Engels's interest in the remote past of mankind and Lenin's evaluation of his work were, of course, not coincidental. They may be explained by the tremendous role played by the concept of primitive history in a general materialist understanding of the universal historical process. What (...)
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  4. Ob Iskusstve.Iu M. Lotman, R. G. Grigor ev, S. M. Daniel & M. I. U. Lotman - 1998
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    On Arabic: A Nineteenth Century Tract.James A. Bellamy, Amīn Fikrī, Khalil I. Semaan & Amin Fikri - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):135.
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    O razume cheloveka.I. I. Get︠s︡iu - 2010 - Sankt-Peterburg: Renome.
    В кн. также: Современный опыт теодицеи и антроподицеи / В. Шубин.
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  7. Poznavatelʹnye deĭstvii︠a︡ v sovremennoĭ nauke.A. F. Aporovich, Iu A. Kharin, A. I. Smirnov & Minski Radyiotekhnichny Instytut (eds.) - 1987 - Minsk: "Nauka i tekhnika".
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    Living Beings, Artificial Creations, and Cybernetics.V. I. Koriukin & Iu P. Lobastov - 1965 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 3 (4):32-39.
    As with every new trend in science, cybernetics has revived many old philosophical problems and posed a number of new ones. They include problems of similarity and difference in the functioning of the brain and of cybernetic machines, interrelationships between artificial creations and human beings, the nature of the machine, etc. An imprecise posing of these intimately related problems is often the source of confusion in discussions of the philosophical problems of cybernetics.
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    The Prolegomena to the Qurʾan [Bayān fi tafsīr al-Qurʾān]The Prolegomena to the Quran [Bayan fi tafsir al-Quran].Asma Afsaruddin, al-Sayyid Abū al-Qāsim al-Mūsawī al-Khūʾī, Abdulaziz A. Sachedina & al-Sayyid Abu al-Qasim al-Musawi al-Khui - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):110.
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  10. Semiotika i vostochnye i︠a︡zyki.Iu V. Akademiia Nauk Sssr & Rozhdestvenskii (eds.) - 1967 - Nauka.
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  11. Kak i︠a︡ ponimai︠u︡ filosofii︠u︡.Merab Mamardashvili & Iu P. Senokosov - 1992 - Moskva: "Kulʹtura". Edited by I︠U︡. P. Senokosov.
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  12. The Mysterious Attraction of Philosophy.Iu A. Shreide - 1997 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 36 (2):74-103.
    I would like to tell you about my own road to the serious pursuit of philosophy, relying only on my own memory, although occasionally I shall check this against other testimony. These are merely the notes of a witness and participant in the events described.
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  13. Is Marxism Dead? Materials from a Discussion.V. I. Tolstykh, V. S. Stepin, E. Iu Solov'ev, V. Zh Kelle, A. A. Guseinov, A. I. Gel'man, F. T. Mikhailov, V. M. Mezhuev & K. Kh Momdzhian - 1991 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 30 (2):7-74.
    From the Editors:Such was the topic considered by members of a new discussion club, "The Free Word" [Svobodnoe slovo] , along with specialists from the Institute of Philosophy, USSR Academy of Sciences.
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    The Evolution of the Style of Thought in Science.Iu V. Sachkov - 1968 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 7 (3):30-40.
    One of the primary propositions in Marxist philosophy is that thought is historical in nature. "The theoretical thought of each epoch," observed Engels, "is a historical product which takes on very different forms at different times, and also very different content" . Accordingly, any analysis of the nature of thought in general that does not consider its historical character is either incomplete or may result in false conclusions. Naturally, what we are talking about is substantive thought, i.e., thought that proceeds (...)
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    Political Liberalism, Western History, and the Conjectural Non-West.Loubna El Amine - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (2):190-214.
    Taking its distance from classical liberalism, political liberalism seeks to avoid controversial metaphysical assumptions by starting from institutional features of modern polities. Political liberalism also extends the limits of liberal toleration by envisioning societies that it considers nonliberal but decent. This article is concerned with the relationship between these two dimensions of political liberalism, specifically as they are instantiated in the work of John Rawls. I show that these two dimensions are in tension with each other. Put simply, if political (...)
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    (1 other version)The relationship between Corporate Governance and Firm Financial Performance: An Empirical Investigation of an emerging market.Qazi Awais Amin & Stuart Farquhar - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
    We investigate whether the distinct nature of multinational firms (MNC) differently influence the governance-performance relationship compared to the local firms in Pakistan. We used a dynamic system GMM estimator that produces consistent and efficient estimation after controlling for dynamic endogeneity and simultaneity. Our results demonstrate that corporate governance (CG) has a significant positive impact on firm financial performance whilst CG practice of MNC firms is more effective than local firms in Pakistan. We observed two distinct financing behaviours, i.e., ‘pro-active investment (...)
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  17. Chung-kuo ssu hsiang chih yen chiu.Seiichi Uno, Shun-Lung Hung, Chʻi-Yang Chʻiu & Mao-Sung Lin (eds.) - 1977
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    Concerning Certain Aspects of the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Bourgeois Philosophy.A. S. Bogomolov, Iu K. Mel'vil' & I. S. Narskii - 1968 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 6 (4):45-55.
    The triumph of the socialist revolution in Russia, the fiftieth anniversary of which the Soviet people are marking this year, the building of socialism in the USSR, and the coming into being of a world socialist system eliminated the ideological monopoly theretofore enjoyed by exploitative society in the contemporary world. For the first time in human history, an ideology of the toiling masses has extensively taken root in a number of countries. This has meant a narrowing of the sphere in (...)
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  19.  31
    The Mind as Interpreted by Aristotle and Descartes and Some Features of Modern European Logic.Iu D. Artamonova - 1996 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 34 (4):5-35.
    Not only Greek philosophers listened to prophets. René Descartes also long pondered over the familiar words of Ausonius: "What path shall I choose for myself in life?" And-what an amusing play on words-the idea of methodos entered philosophy with Descartes. The very path of his metaphysical thought was the last possible one within the confines of Aristotelian metaphysics, when, having posited certain principles of discourse, in the end they themselves are conclusively reached and the entire system becomes a manifest certainty. (...)
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    Totalitarianism and the Problems of a Work Ethic.Iu N. Davydov - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 32 (1):67-76.
    My reflections will have more of an interrogative than an affirmative character. And the questions will be posed not only to others but also to myself. At the outset let me broach two questions. First, why is this work ethic needed; and second, who needs it? And at the same time I should like to translate some of the general ideological and cultural problems that have been discussed here into the language of political economy and sociology. This should, it seems (...)
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    Ėkspressii︠a︡ i smysl predlozhenii︠a︡: problemy ėmot︠s︡ionalʹno-ėkspressivnogo sintaksisa.Iu M. Malinovich - 1989 - Irkutsk: Izd-vo Irkutskogo universiteta.
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  22. Trans-Saharan Exchange and the Black Slave Trade.Samir Amin - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (179):31-47.
    The UNESCO research projects focusing on The Silk Routes and The Slave Routes were launched at just the right time to remind us that globalization is not a novel dimension of the history of humanity. Not only am I among those who analyze capitalism as a worldwide system from its very inception, but I have also found it pertinent to recall that prior to the sixteenth century, societies were not at all isolated from one another but rather competing within regional (...)
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  23.  19
    On the Liberatory Potential of the Past: The Case of Non-Feudal China.Loubna El Amine - 2019 - Journal of World Philosophies 4 (1):87-101.
    I argue in this essay that the past holds the potential for liberating us from modern categories and thus for helping us envision alternative political futures. More specifically, I show how China’s non-feudal past offers resources for a future model of governance based on unity and social mobility.
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    Theory of Deductive Systems and Its Applications.S. Iu Maslov, Michael Gelfond & Vladimir Lifschitz - 1987 - MIT Press (MA).
    In a fluent, clear, and lively style this translation by two of Maslov's junior colleagues brings the work of the late Soviet scientist S. Yu. Maslov to a wider audience. Maslov was considered by his peers to be a man of genius who was making fundamental contributions in the fields of automatic theorem proving and computational logic. He published little, and those few papers were regarded as notoriously difficult. This book, however, was written for a broad audience of readers and (...)
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  25. A.F. Losev i kulʹtura XX veka: Losevskie chtenii︠a︡.V. V. Bychkov, Iu F. Panasenko, A. A. Takho-Godi & Nauchnyi Sovet Po Istorii Mirovoi Kul Tury Sssr) (eds.) - 1991 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Measuring urban sexual cultures.Amin Ghaziani - 2014 - Theory and Society 43 (3):371-393.
    Gay neighborhoods across the United States are de-concentrating in today’s so-called “post-gay” era as sexual minorities assimilate into the mainstream and disperse across the city. This context creates a problem of measurement. If by “culture” we mean to say a particular way of life of a group or subgroup of people like sexual minorities, and if that way of life is blending with other aspects of the metropolis, then how can we detect distinct urban sexual cultures? In this article, I (...)
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    Ethics and the Theory of Moral Education.Iu V. Sogomonov - 1982 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 21 (2):54-60.
    I think we will agree that there are questions that it is not always preferable to put point-blank. Among them we may class that of whether ethics belongs to the category of philosophical knowledge. We know that the custom of regarding ethics as knowledge exclusively philosophical in nature persists to this day. Such a notion, with origins in the past, expresses, in our view, the dominance of spontaneous, uncontrollable factors in the real morality of society. In Hegel's expression, ethical theory (...)
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    The Contemporary Problem of War and Peace.Iu Ia Kirshin - 1981 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 20 (3):3-24.
    The present epoch is one of transition from capitalism to socialism, within which two opposite social systems exist simultaneously. Inasmuch as one of the systems - that of capitalism - is a source of wars, and the system of socialism is the source of peace, questions pertaining to the place of military means in the struggle between the two systems, questions of the struggle between the forces of war and peace and for the cessation of wars between peoples, constitute one (...)
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    Towards Substantive Equality in Iranian Constitutional Discourse.Amin Reza Koohestani - 2011 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 7 (2).
    This paper discusses to what extent, if any, recent street uprisings in Iran have been fuelled by gender inequalities; and, what the legal challenges of transforming such gender equality demands into the constitution are. I argue that a demographic transition that commenced two decades ago in Iran changed the status of women in family and society. Such a transition has unavoidably increased the presence of women in the public sphere and challenged gender presumptions within the law. To give a constitutional (...)
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  30. Curente și tendințe în filozofia românească.Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu - 1971 - București,: Editura politică.
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    The Influences of Emotion on Learning and Memory.Chai M. Tyng, Hafeez U. Amin, Mohamad N. M. Saad & Aamir S. Malik - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:235933.
    Emotion has a substantial influence on the cognitive processes in humans, including perception, attention, learning, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. Emotion has a particularly strong influence on attention, especially modulating the selectivity of attention as well as motivating action and behavior. This attentional and executive control is intimately linked to learning processes, as intrinsically limited attentional capacities are better focused on relevant information. Emotion also facilitates encoding and helps retrieval of information efficiently. However, the effects of emotion on learning and (...)
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  32. Marksizm-leninizm i estestvoznanie.Kh M. Fataliev, K. A. Novosel Tsov, Iu F. Safonov & P. E. Sivokon - 1962 - [Moskva]: Izd-Vo Moskovskogo Universiteta.
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    The Problem of the Unity of Culturology, From the Standpoint of a Philosopher.A. Iu Shemanov - 2003 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (4):40-51.
    The purpose of this article is to find out to what demand of philosophical and scientific thinking is culturology a response, treating culturology from two aspects: as a set of approaches to culture and as a school subject in the system of education. The task is not to define the subject boundaries of some science . I am interested in the "metaphysical location" of the interest in culture, in the lacuna of man's understanding of the world and of himself it (...)
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    Review of L. Jardine's Francis Bacon ; Discovery and the Art of Discourse. [REVIEW]Iu P. Mikhalenko - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 18 (1):87-95.
    Jardine examines the evolution of concepts of dialectics during the Renaissance and problems of methodology that influenced the teachings of the founder of philosophy in the modern era, F. Bacon. The work traces the sources of these problems in the dialectics of antiquity and its medieval interpretation. Sources little known to the Soviet reader are cited. In order to evaluate Bacon's reaction to the dialectics of his day, the author also describes works named in the statutes of Cambridge University in (...)
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    Women, Rituals, and the Domestic-Political Distinction in the Confucian Classics.Loubna El Amine - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (1):90-119.
    In this article, I show that women are depicted in the early Confucian texts not primarily as undertaking household duties or nurturing children but rather as partaking in rituals of mourning and ancestor worship. To make the argument, I analyze, besides the more philosophical texts like the Analects and the Mencius, texts known as the “Five Classics,” which describe women in their social roles in much more detail than the former. What women’s participation in rituals reveals, I contend, is that (...)
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  36. Curente și tendințe în filosofia românească.Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu - 1946 - [București]: Editura Socec.
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    Ethics and Politics in Classical Confucian Thought: A Response to David Elstein.Amine Loubna El - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (3):919-920.
    In his review of my book, Classical Confucian Political Thought, David Elstein argues that my interpretation of Classical Confucian political thought draws too sharp a distinction between Confucians’ ethical standards and their political standards, thus veering perhaps a bit too far from the “conventional wisdom” that views Confucian politics as an extension of Confucian ethics. As I write in the book, “To the extent that the political standard is a normative standard, it is difficult to insist that it has nothing (...)
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    An ‘existential threat’ or a ‘past pariah’: Securitisation of Iran and disagreements among American press.Forough Amin - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (3):233-252.
    The goal I pursue in this study is to explain the constitutive function of the newspapers’ opinion discourses from the perspective of securitisation theory. I discuss how the opinion articles and editorial collected from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and New York Post constructed the social reality differently, as a result of their differing political ideologies, and sought to influence American foreign policy in line with their interests. Integrating securitisation theory with CDS, I investigated three (...)
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  39. Chelovek v mire khudozhestvennoĭ kulʹtury: priobshchenie k iskusstvu, prot︠s︡ess i upravlenie.Boris Andreevich Grushin, A. Ia Zis & Iu U. Fokht-Babushkin (eds.) - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka,".
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    Abacus logic: The lattice of quantum propositions as the poset of a theory.Othman Qasim Malhas - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (2):501-515.
    With a certain graphic interpretation in mind, we say that a function whose value at every point in its domain is a nonempty set of real numbers is an Abacus. It is shown that to every collection C of abaci there corresponds a logic, called an abacus logic, i.e., a certain set of propositions partially ordered by generalized implication. It is also shown that to every collection C of abaci there corresponds a theory JC in a classical propositional calculus such (...)
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  41. Neprochitannoe--: statʹi, pisʹma, vospominanii︠a︡.S. L. Frank, A. A. Gaponenkov & Iu P. Senokosov - 2001 - Moskva: Moskovskai︠a︡ shkola polit. issledovaniĭ.
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    Philosophical Journalism of the Sixties.E. Iu Solov'ev - 1998 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 36 (4):54-62.
    Looking back I count, not without some sadness, that I have been a reader of Voprosy filosofii for forty-five years, an author for almost forty, and a staff member for exactly ten. I hope that this entitles me to discuss briefly the most tempting of anniversarial problems; namely, the problem of periodization.
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    How Ibn sinian is suhrawardi's theory of knowledge?Mehdi Amin Razavi - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (2):203-214.
    : It is demonstrated here that despite apparent differences and their adherence to two different schools of thought, Suhrawardi's epistemology is essentially Ibn Sinian, and even his theory of "knowledge by Presence" ('ilm al-huduri), which is considered to be uniquely his, is at least inspired by Ibn Sina. I argue that Ibn Sina's peripatetic orientation and Suhrawardi's ishraqi perspective have both maintained and adhered to the same epistemological framework while the philosophical languages in which their respective epistemologies are discussed are (...)
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    Seducția ca spațiu al cenzurii.Anton I. Adămuț - 2004 - Iași: Editura Junimea.
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    Balāgha Currents Before the Formation Period: The Case of al-Jāḥiẓ.Nazife Nihal İnce - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):911-928.
    Balāgha, which consists of three main branches today, has benefited from various channels in the process of completing its formation. Before the formation of systematic balāgha, it is assumed that there were two main currents, one represented by poets and lite-rati, and the other represented by scholars. This article aims to determine the place of Abū ʿUthmān al-Jāḥiẓ (255/869), one of the main names who wrote in the field of balāgha, in the pre-formation period of balāgha science. The documentary analysis (...)
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    Enhancement of operational performance through strategic hrm practices: A case of banking industry.Dr Syeda Nazneen Waseem, Dr Naveed ur Rehman & Dr Mirza Amin Ul Haq - 2021 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 60 (1):1-32.
    Based on the Guest 1997 organizational outcome model, this explanatory study examined the effects of five dimensions of practices of HR. i.e. performance evaluation, recruitment & selection, compensation & reward, career opportunities within organization and training & development on proximal business outcomes. The study validates components of GUEST model by integrating between HRM dimensions and banking operations, thus strengthens the existing theoretical model of GUEST by improving the comprehensiveness as it provides analytical framework for studying HR. Exploratory factor analysis and (...)
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    New Interrelations of Society and Nature in the Space Age.V. I. Sevast'ianov & A. D. Ursul - 1971 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 10 (2):158-175.
    The decade that has elapsed since the flight of the world's first cosmonaut, Iu. A. Gagarin, has been marked by considerable successes in mastering the cosmos. Lengthy orbital flights and lunar expeditions are already being conducted. Automatic stations are studying the moon, Mars, Venus, and cosmic space. And although we understand that the major trumphs in space are still ahead of us and that today we are merely at the start of the cosmic era, it is nonetheless already possible, in (...)
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  48. Chʻiu Han-pʻing hsien sheng fa lü ssu hsiang han hsien fa wen tʻi lun chi.Hanping Qiu - 1973 - Edited by Hong-yee Chʻiu.
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    (1 other version)Simulation and interpersonal utility.Alvin I. Goldman - 1995 - Ethics 105 (4):709-726.
    The aim of this article is to show how research in cognitive science is relevant to a certain theoretical issue in moral theory, namely, the legitimacy of interpersonal utility (IU) comparisons.
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  50. Istorinis kelias į universalią pasaulėžiūrą.L. Gineitis - 1992 - Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų leidykla.
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